Jessica Morden MP Labour MP for Newport East
It was a pleasure to visit Magor Baptist Church last weekend to celebrate the church’s 200th anniversary.
Like many of the chapels and churches of South Wales, Magor Baptist Church has remained at the heart of the community across generations.
The church’s mission statement – ‘Growing and sharing in God’s love’ – has been typified by the congregation’s commitment to good causes at home and abroad over the years.
One example of this the church’s long-standing link with the Kitetikka School and Orphanage in Kampala, Uganda. Charitable donations from the congregation in Magor have supported some of the schoool’s most impoverished pupils through their studies, and purchased new bicycles for children who would otherwise have had to walk long distances to the school each day. Contributions from Magor Baptist Church have also helped the school purchase a new school coach and new on-site facilities, including a science laboratory for the high school and a new dormitory for the orphanage.