Welsh Polling Station
Welsh Polling Station

Are you ready to vote for change? Here are some key dates for this year’s general election:

Need to register to vote?

Tap here to register to vote before 18th June at 23:59. 

Vote the easy way!

Going away or just fancy voting ahead of time? Tap here to apply for a postal vote before 19th June at 5pm.

You can also call 01633 210744 to have the forms sent to your home.

(You need to be registered to vote to apply for a postal vote).

Don’t forget your Voter ID

You’ll need Voter ID to vote on July 4th. Tap here to see if you already have an acceptable form of ID.

If you need to apply, you have until 26th June at 5pm. Tap here to find out more.

Need a proxy vote?

If you’re unable to vote in person you can ask someone to vote on your behalf. This is called a proxy vote.

You can only apply for a proxy vote under certain circumstances, including:

  • being away on polling day
  • being registered as an overseas voter
  • having a medical issue or disability
  • not being able to vote in person because of work or military service

Your proxy should be someone you trust to vote on your behalf. You’ll need to tell them which candidate (or referendum outcome) you want to vote for.

The deadline to apply is 26th June at 5pm. Tap here for more and to apply.

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