Labour's New Deal for Working People

A New Deal for Working People

The Labour Party has a long and proud history of being the Party not just of working people but for working people.

From day one, a Labour government will strengthen workers’ rights and make Britain work for working for people.

Everyone deserves a job they can live on and build a life on, no matter who they are or what job they do. Our ambition to ensure a fair day’s pay for a day’s work is core to our values.

We all deserve high-quality, secure, rewarding jobs.

That is why Labour in power will secure a New Deal for Working People.

Boosting people’s income is not just the right thing for them – it is the right thing for our economy. Better pay would end the self-defeating low wage, low investment, and low productivity cycle that the country has been trapped in for the last decade. It will also help to tackle the cost of living crisis by ensuring everyone is paid enough to live on.

Labour will strengthen the protections afforded to all workers by banning zero-hours contracts, outlawing bogus self-employment; and ending qualifying periods for basic rights, which leave working people waiting up to two years for basic protections.

This will include unfair dismissal, sick pay, and parental leave, giving working people under Labour rights at work from day one.

Labour’s mission is to create more and better jobs that are closer to home, so people have the real choices that they have been denied for far too long.

Our country remains riven by inequalities which Labour is focused on fixing – to ensure the working people who create our nation’s wealth get their fair share of it. Rather than stacking the odds against working parents, Labour will deliver stronger family-friendly rights.

Restrictions on union activity are holding back living standards and the economy. We will update trade union legislation so it is fit for a modern economy and empower working people to collectively secure fair pay, terms and conditions.

The Conservatives have failed our country, but Labour’s approach offers people real help right now and a vision for the future of work where working people enjoy dignity, gain security, receive respect, and are supported to prosper.

We are ambitious for our country’s future.

Together we’ll build a Britain that works for working people. Read more here

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